Z velikim veseljem vas vabimo na prvi večkulturni bazar v Šentjurju. Bazar, ki bo praznik različnih kultur, bo potekal 20. maja 2023 med 9.00 in 13.00 pod kostanji v Zgornjem trgu v Šentjurju.
Na KUL bazarju bodo različne narodnosti predstavile svojo kulturo, umetnost in običaje, spoznali boste ljudi z vsega sveta in se naučili več o njihovi kulturi. Hkrati boste lahko poskusili najrazličnejše jedi iz različnih mednarodnih kuhinj, prisluhnili zgodbam ljudi, ki so se v Šentjur preselili z vsega sveta.
Veselimo se srečanja z vami. Zagotovo bo KUL!
CULinary and CULture Bazaar
It’s with great pleasure that we’re inviting you to a first multicultural bazaar in Šentjur. The event celebrating cultures is going to take place on 20th May 2023 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm under the chestnut trees in the Upper square of Šentjur.
CUL bazaar is the perfect place for different nationalities to showcase their traditional food, art and customs and for you to meet people of the world and learn more about their culture. At the same time, you will be able to taste a wide range of dishes from various international cuisines, enjoy cultural presentations and listen to the stories of people who moved to Šentjur from all across the globe.
We look forward to seeing you there. It will be CUL, for sure!
Org.: RA Kozjansko – OE TIC Šentjur